07852 197940

Tips for Working from Home

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The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many working from home and this may continue for some time. Some companies may decide that even after the pandemic is over working from home should become the new way.

These tips will help you make working from home more fun and successful helping you maintain your mental well-being.

1. Get Dressed

You may have heard this tip before, but this one can make a real difference to your day. Yes it can be tempting to stay in your pyjamas all day but this can make your day less productive and it can even affect how you feel.

Of course, there is no need to dress as formally you would if you were working in the office but by getting dressed, having a shower, brushing your hair and doing anything else you would usually do if you were going to the office can help you feel more productive because it signals to you that you’re in work mode. It also helps you feel human and confident.

And do not forget working from home does not mean no one will see you. Video calls have now become very popular!

Once you have finished your work it is good to get changed into something else as this will signal to you that it is now time to switch off from work.

2. Establish Your Own Routine

Without a schedule, the lines between work and personal time can get blurred and be stressful to get right.

Try to follow your normal sleep and work patterns where you can and stay consistent.

Get up at the same time and eat breakfast. Do the things you would usually do before beginning work whether that is exercising, reading, or listening to music.

Most importantly, when your workday stops, stop working. Shut down, stop checking emails and focus on your home life.

3. Designate a Workspace

If you can, find a quiet space away from other people and distractions like the TV (or the kitchen, when you feel snacky).

You may have a small place but you don’t have to have a separate room for your workspace. You may have an open plan apartment where the living room, dining room and kitchen are all in one place. But your workspace can be in one corner of the apartment making it separate from the rest of your home.

Lastly, get comfortable. While it might be tempting to sit on the sofa, it’s much better to sit at a desk or table.

4. Stay Connected

Whilst working from home may make you feel isolated there are ways to still maintain your mental well-being. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Keep in regular contact with your colleagues and your manager. Schedule video calls and pick up the phone instead of emailing.

Make time to socialise virtually – schedule in a digital coffee break or online get-togethers like quizzes. This can be great fun.

5. Take Breaks

Making time for breaks is important to help manage feelings of stress – try to take lunch and regular screen breaks. Give yourself time to concentrate on something else so you feel more focused when you return. Even just 5 to 10 minutes of short breaks each hour can really help your productivity too.

If possible, set a time to go for a walk, run or bike ride for some fresh air. And if you’re feeling stiff or tense, try doing some light stretching or exercise – there are plenty of 10-minute exercise videos on YouTube.

If you require computer support whilst working from home feel free to contact us. We can talk over the telephone or via video call. Or, we can arrange a visit if you live in Shannon or the surrounding areas including Sixmilebridge, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Bunratty, Cratloe, Quin, Ennis and Limerick.

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