Five Quick PowerPoint Presentation Tips

PowerPoint Presentation

Would you like to make your PowerPoint presentations more effective? Here are some quick tips. 1. Keep Your Slides Simple Less is more. If a slide is cluttered it will distract your audience. They will be wondering which part of the slide they should focus on. But a simple slide is more appealing and will […]

Struggling with Poor Wi-Fi Signal?

Slow wifi

Is there a part of your home where the wi-fi signal is weak? If so, we recommend using a Powerline adapter which works far better than a wi-fi extender. They are amazingly simple to set up and can transform your home wi-fi in minutes! What is a Powerline adapter? A Powerline adapter makes it possible […]

Feeling “Zoomed Out”?

feeling zoomed out

Finding video calls draining? If you are starting to feel “Zoomed Out”, here are some of the reasons why you may be feeling this way. Also, in this article are 5 tips to reduce Zoom fatigue. 4 REASONS YOU MAY BE FEELING “ZOOMED OUT” 1. Staring at a screen for long periods of time. Video […]

Tired of dealing with a slow Windows PC?

Before you get frustrated and decide to give up on your slow PC, here are a few tips that may help speed it up. Tip 1: Empty Recycle Bin Emptying your recycle bin is a simple thing. But it is amazing how much space it can take up on your hard disc if it is […]

Why Use a VPN?

What is a VPN? A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a secure tunnel between your device and the internet. Using a VPN to connect to the internet allows you to surf websites privately and securely protecting your online traffic from hackers or interference. It also allows you to gain access to restricted websites and […]

How to Spot a Dangerous Email

Millions of emails are sent daily that contain dangerous links or attachments. Some of these emails could easily find their way into your inbox. The question is, how do you spot a dangerous email? To help you, here are a few tips to keep you safe. 1. Request for personal information This is one of […]

How to Recover an Unsaved Word Document

Have you ever forgotten to save a Word document? Or, have you accidentally clicked on “do not save” instead of “save” when exiting Word? Another situation could be that you have spent time creating a Word document without saving it as you go along. Then, suddenly the computer crashes or switches off! How do you […]

Benefits of Cloud Computing

You may be wondering, what is “cloud computing”? In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. The PCMag Encyclopaedia defines it succinctly as “hardware and software services from a provider on the internet.” But what are the benefits of moving to […]

Tips for Working from Home

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many working from home and this may continue for some time. Some companies may decide that even after the pandemic is over working from home should become the new way. These tips will help you make working from home more fun and successful helping you maintain your mental well-being. […]

Get up to speed with Zoom

Zoom video meetings have now become increasingly popular to millions of people around the world who are working and studying from home during the coronavirus pandemic. You may have already been using Zoom before the pandemic or you may have only recently started using Zoom. Here are a few helpful tips to enhance your Zoom […]